CSF Highlights Governance Arrogance and Injustice in Nigeria”

In recent times, Nigerians have grown increasingly concerned about what they perceive as a deterioration of shared values and cultural norms within their government. 

A prevailing sentiment of arrogance among political figures has left citizens pondering the presence of humanity within the nation’s political landscape and justice system.

This concern has been voiced by a group of professionals who make up the Concerned Stakeholders Forum (CSF). They express amazement at the blatant disregard for common sense, describing the Nigerian state as lawless and devoid of sympathy, seemingly detached from reality.

In a statement signed by the National coordinator, Engr. Daniel Gambo, the group points out one specific incident that has drawn the CSF’s attention is the alleged mistreatment of the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Cmrd. Joe Ajaero. This act is harshly criticized as a national embarrassment inflicted by ruling political figures and their associates.

The CSF further condemns the alleged reckless mismanagement of Nigeria’s finances, with accusations of funds being misappropriated across the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. These concerns leave many questioning the preservation of common sense.

The group challenges Nigerians to stand up for accountability, advocating for civil disobedience as a means to demand change. They argue that the constitutional provisions have been eroded, endangering the nation’s unity and stability. An explicit apology to the NLC President and Nigerian labourers is demanded, along with a call to cease infringements on the constitutional rights of association and peaceful protest.

In conclusion, the CSF urges Nigerians to strengthen their resolve and voice their concerns until the nation transforms from what they call “democrazy” into an ideal democracy that aligns with common sense.