In the heart of Taraba State, a pivotal day etched itself into history—May 29, 2023. The air crackled with anticipation as the stage was set for a remarkable transformation. Amidst the bustling political landscape, a visionary leader emerged, his words resonating with the intensity of a thunderous symphony. It was a moment that captured the essence of a people yearning for change, their hopes illuminated by the flickering flame of possibility.


Taraba State, born on the 27th of August, 1991, will soon mark its 32nd year of existence. Like a young man stepping into adulthood, it is expected to have matured and flourished, reflecting the growth and development befitting its age. While its progress may not yet match its years, it can proudly boast of a new governor, most Tarabans argue he is visionary entrusted with the responsibility of propelling the state forward.

Agbu Kefas, a name that resonates with passion and purpose, is not merely a politician. He is a retired Nigerian army lieutenant colonel, a former PDP state chairman, and now, the beacon of hope as the incumbent governor of Taraba State as of May 29, 2023.

In the simplicity of his inaugural speech, Kefas possesses an undeniable, soul-stirring power. His words are set to become a symphony of hope, piercing through the depths of despair and igniting the hearts of a state yearning for change. It was a resounding call to action, a melody of emotions that echoed with a raw intensity, stirring the very essence of the people of Taraba. It became a clarion cry for a better tomorrow, awakening a deep yearning for progress, unity, and a brighter future that pulses through the veins of every Taraban.

Kefas, promised to be “the People’s Governor,” has emphasized the urgency of his administration. He vows to lead with transparency, justice, and innovation, addressing the pressing issues of welfare, insecurity, poverty, illiteracy, disease, and inadequate infrastructure in Taraba State. His inauguration speech echoed these commitments, declaring that he will be an accessible, responsive, consultative, and proactive governor, dedicated to serving the needs of the people in every matter of state governance.

In stark contrast to many Nigerian political leaders, Kefas shatters the perception of elite superiority. He embodies true leadership, grounded in humility and a genuine connection with the people. Tarabans, and indeed all Nigerians, eagerly await the manifestation of his promise to put the people first in every decision, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.

Kefas’ inaugural speech, though unassuming, carried messages that captivated the audience, setting the stage for the arduous journey ahead. His administration stands at a critical juncture, ready to unleash positive and lasting changes. With their wealth of experience and an intimate understanding of the state’s needs, the governor and his team have outlined a comprehensive agenda, encompassing key sectors such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic revitalization.

The Prevailing Conditions in Taraba State upon the Governor’s Arrival

Taraba State’s political landscape is a captivating tapestry, where diversity and regional dynamics intertwine in a complex dance. It’s a battleground where ideologies clash, alliances are formed and broken, and the pursuit of power converges with the dreams of its diverse population. However, despite its potential, Taraba State has been described as progressing at a snail pace.

As the state approaches its 32nd year since creation, many residents lament the lack of development. During the 30th anniversary celebration, voices across Taraba State expressed their disappointment, arguing that the state lags far behind its counterparts established three decades ago. Unemployment and adequate infrastructure were cited as key concerns.

Unemployment rates remain high, and numerous communities lack basic necessities such as electricity, good roads, and clean water. While health and primary education receive some commendation, the prevalence of out-of-school children remains alarming. Comparatively, states like Kogi, Edo, and Delta, established at the same time, have made significant strides in development.

“About 70 percent of our communities lack access to electricity, good roads, and pipe bore water,” says right activist Jacob Bam. “We can score the government high on health and primary education, but the level of out-of-school children in the state is still alarming. So we have little to rejoice over when you compare to Kogi, Edo, Delta that were created at the same time.”

According to the Coordinator of Taraba Concern Citizens Forum, the creation of Taraba State 30 years ago is yet to fulfill its intended purpose. The state’s potential remains largely untapped, and the current state of governance is disappointing.

Religion and tribal sentiments have hindered progress in Taraba State over the past 31 years, exacerbating divisions. Political leadership has been marred by self-interest and bitter rivalries, impeding the state’s growth. The consequences of this divisive politics are felt deeply, as Taraba falls behind its peers. However, there is hope for change with future elections.

Former governor, Darius Ishaku, faced criticism for his lackluster leadership, with Hassan Jika Ardo expressing sadness at the snail’s pace of development in Taraba State. Ardo states, “We have government without governance in the state. Ministries are running without running costs. In fact, apart from the state-owned radio and television stations, I doubt if there is any ministry or agency that gets running costs. We are not where we are supposed to be. If only Darius administration was able to build on the foundation laid by the last two governments, we would have gone far. Instead, we have gone badly backwards.”

One of the pressing challenges in Taraba is inter-ethnic clashes, which have divided the state along religious and ethnic lines. The polarization and division have become a hindrance to unity and collective progress, overshadowing the state’s true potential.

However, amidst these challenges, the newly elected governor understands the terrain and has vowed to bring about transformative change. His administration pledges urgency, transparency, justice, and innovation to address the pressing issues of welfare, insecurity, poverty, illiteracy, disease, and inadequate infrastructure in Taraba State. It is within this context that we must examine his agenda, with the hope that he can steer the state towards a brighter future.

In his stirring inaugural speech, Governor Agbu Kefas outlined his party’s five-point agenda for the development of Taraba State. These key areas of focus reflect his commitment to the welfare of the people and the advancement of the state:


Acknowledging the underperformance of Taraba State in national educational ratings, Governor Kefas vowed to initiate a comprehensive reform. His administration will prioritize the improvement of learning environments in all higher institutions and implement urgent measures to salvage Taraba State University. For basic education, the governor emphasized the importance of in-service training for teachers, enhancement of school environments, and the involvement of the Parents-Teachers Association in school administration.


Recognizing Taraba as an agrarian state with immense potential, Governor Kefas expressed his dedication to boosting wealth creation, job opportunities, and food security through innovative agricultural reforms. Modern agricultural practices will be introduced, and attention will be shifted towards agriculture for export to tap into global markets. The establishment of modern farmers’ markets will facilitate seamless transactions between producers and off-takers.


Governor Kefas recognized the untapped potential of the tourism sector and its role in diversifying Taraba’s economy. He pledged deliberate efforts to develop tourism sites such as the Mambila Plateau and Nwoyo Fishing Ponds to boost the state’s GDP and create new employment opportunities.

Women and Youth Development

Governor Kefas stressed the significance of women and youth in the state’s development. Collaborating with youth organizations, his administration aims to create a comprehensive blueprint for youth development and swiftly implement their recommendations. Furthermore, Governor Kefas assured the women of Taraba that his administration will be gender-sensitive in all appointments.


Addressing the urgent need for attention in the health sector, Governor Kefas emphasized the improvement of primary healthcare services. Working conditions for healthcare professionals will be enhanced, and the coverage of the health insurance scheme will be expanded. To provide advanced diagnostic services, a state-of-the-art Diagnostic Centre will be established through a public-private partnership model. Additionally, the Kidney Centre at the Specialist Hospital in Jalingo will be revived and expanded.

Local Government Reforms

Governor Kefas expressed his commitment to local government autonomy, ensuring that they become more responsive to the needs of the people at the grassroots. Policies impeding effective local government administration will be reviewed in accordance with the law, with the aim of restoring the lost glory of the local governments.

The Public Service

Governor Kefas pledged to restore the integrity and professionalism of the civil service, eradicating favoritism and political considerations. A better orientation will be provided to civil servants, emphasizing public interest and adherence to public service rules. The governor assured labour unions of his administration’s dedication to protecting workers’ interests and promoting their welfare.


Governor Kefas’s unwavering commitment to the security of lives and property is evident in his comprehensive security agenda for Taraba State. He firmly stated, “We will embark on a security sector reform that will target crime prevention, detection, neighborhood policing, and better synergy among security agencies.”

In his impassioned inaugural speech, the new governor of Taraba State unveiled a visionary roadmap aimed at transforming the state’s future. With a laser focus on key sectors, the governor expressed a resolute commitment to improving education, security, health, public service, local government, and empowering women and youth. These ambitious goals reflect the governor’s unwavering determination to propel Taraba State towards unparalleled development and progress.

By prioritizing education, the governor seeks to empower the next generation with knowledge and skills for a brighter future. Enhancing security ensures a safe and stable environment for all citizens. By investing in healthcare, public service, and local government, the new state boss aims to build efficient systems that deliver quality services. Through empowering women and youth, Kefas Agbu envisions a more inclusive society that harnesses the full potential of all its citizens.

The realization of these goals holds the potential to revolutionize Taraba State’s socio-economic landscape and uplift its people to new heights of prosperity and well-being, He reassures his people.

In a powerful plea for collective action, the governor of Taraba State passionately expressed his grand vision for a new era. Recognizing the need for unity and collaboration, he extended a hand of fellowship to the Legislature, Judiciary, and all political parties, emphasizing the importance of leaving partisan differences behind for the greater good of Taraba State. Furthermore, the governor emphasized the vital role of citizen engagement and participation in governance. By inviting Tarabans to freely approach the administration with fresh ideas aligned with the manifesto, the governor demonstrated a commitment to inclusivity and grassroots involvement. This approach not only empowers the people of Taraba State but also ensures that policies and decisions are shaped by the collective wisdom and aspirations of its citizens. Through this call to action, the governor heralds a new era of participatory governance, where the voices of the people become the driving force behind the transformation of Taraba State.

The governor’s speech reverberated with an unwavering sense of hope and unity, stirring the hearts of the people of Taraba State. His words, filled with conviction and purpose, created a profound connection with the audience, instilling a renewed belief in a brighter future. By expressing a shared vision and emphasizing the need for collective efforts, the governor fostered a sense of unity and solidarity among the people. His words resonated with the audience, igniting a flame of confidence in the administration’s ability to enact meaningful change. With the governor’s inspiring words as a guiding light, the people of Taraba State stand united, driven by a common purpose to build a prosperous and harmonious society.

In a remarkable display of leadership, the governor’s inaugural speech encapsulated a vision of progress, unity, and shared responsibility. With each word, a new chapter unfolded, promising a transformative era for Taraba State. The speech ignited a spark of hope and galvanized the people, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and minds. As the echoes of the governor’s words lingered in the air, a profound sense of anticipation filled the atmosphere. With unwavering trust and high expectations, Tarabans embark on an exhilarating journey, guided by a visionary leader, toward a future that holds boundless possibilities. The stage is set for a remarkable transformation, and the governor’s inaugural speech serves as the compass that will navigate Taraba State toward a prosperous and inclusive tomorrow.