Pope Francis approves Blessings for same-sex couples

Pope says church is open to everyone including gay community 

In a historic shift  from traditional Vatican policy, Pope Francis has granted formal approval for priests to bless same-sex couples. 

The announcement came with the release of a document from the Vatican’s doctrine office on Monday 18 December, emphasizing that individuals seeking God’s love and mercy should not be subjected to exhaustive moral scrutiny.

The document, which builds upon a preliminary response from Francis in October, reiterates that such blessings can be offered under certain circumstances as long as they don’t equate to the sacrament of marriage. It underscores the sanctity of marriage as a lifelong sacrament between a man and a woman while discouraging the use of specific rituals, clothing, or gestures associated with weddings during same-sex blessings.

File photo: Vicar Wolfgang Rothe blesses Christine Walter, center, and Almut Muenster in St. Benedict’s Church in Munich on May 9, 2021

While maintaining the Vatican’s stance on the indissoluble union between a man and a woman in marriage, the document stresses that requests for blessings for same-sex couples should not be outright denied. It provides an extensive definition of the term “blessing” in Scripture, asserting that people seeking a transcendent relationship with God should not face exhaustive moral analysis as a prerequisite.

The document states, “Ultimately, a blessing offers people a means to increase their trust in God,” emphasizing that the request for a blessing nurtures openness to transcendence, mercy, and closeness to God in various life circumstances.

In addressing the issue of “irregular” unions, whether gay or straight, the Vatican acknowledges a state of sin but argues against depriving individuals of God’s love and mercy based on their union. It calls for avoiding doctrinal or disciplinary schemes that lead to elitism, emphasizing the importance of grace over analysis and classification.