Africa Won’t Rise By Prayer And Fasting – Prof Lumumba

Renowned Pan-Africanist Prof. Lumumba Emphasizes Secular Solutions for Africa’s Progress

In a thought-provoking address at a non-political event in Lagos, Kenyan pan-Africanist and human rights activist, Patrick Lumumba, declared that Africa’s emancipation should not rely solely on religious practices.

Prof. Lumumba, a Founding Trustee of the African Institute for Leaders and Leadership, underscored the imperative of addressing governance issues and conflicts to propel the continent forward.

Lumumba emphasized that Africa frequently witnesses post-election conflicts driven by fierce power struggles, and he stressed that resolving governance problems is pivotal to ensuring the continent’s advancement.

“Africa has become a continent where after every election, there is conflict because the pursuit of power is the cutthroat competition where our throats are actually cut,” Lumumba remarked, adding that Africa’s progress cannot be achieved through prayer and fasting alone.

Drawing from historical references, Lumumba noted that freedom and progress often require vigorous efforts. He invoked the story of Abraham’s journey, highlighting the need for struggle and hard work to achieve divine instructions. He urged Africans to take responsibility and create their destiny.

“We must pray and fast, but it will not happen, because the last time I checked even those of you who are believers – when Abraham was taken from the Ur of the Chaldeans and given Canaan, it was not on a silver platter,” Lumumba stated. “The kitchen where they made manna was closed. Manna will no longer come, because you must now make your manna, and it is our duty as Africans to begin to rethink.”

Lumumba concluded by stressing that the actions taken today will shape a better future for both current and future generations in Africa.