Labour Party Supports NLC/ TUC Indefinite Strike

Labour Party Urges Supporters to Prepare for Indefinite Strike

In a recent development, the Labour Party has issued a rallying call to its supporters nationwide, urging them to stock up on essential supplies in anticipation of the impending indefinite strike planned by organized labour.

Scheduled for October 3, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) are poised to paralyze the nation’s economy as they press for improved working conditions and address critical issues.

In an official statement released on Wednesday by Obiora Ifoh, the National Publicity Secretary of the Labour Party, the party not only threw its weight behind the planned indefinite strike but also voiced its concern over what it perceives as a lack of empathy from President Bola Tinubu’s administration. They criticized the government’s handling of the economic challenges stemming from the removal of fuel subsidies.

The Labour Party lamented the grim economic realities faced by Nigerians, such as a soaring inflation rate nearing 30%, a dollar exchange rate surpassing N1000, and a significant decline in per capita income. They expressed their distress at the unfortunate consequence of parents being forced to withdraw their children from schools due to rising tuition fees and the daily escalation of criminal activities.

In a resolute stance, the party affirmed their unwavering support for the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in their pursuit of justice for workers. The Labour Party concluded its statement with a call to action, urging all its members and supporters to prepare their households for the upcoming mass action, declaring “No retreat, no surrender.”

This situation raises questions about the government’s ability to address the concerns of its workforce amidst growing economic challenges in Nigeria. Stay tuned for further updates as the nation braces for the impending strike.