Tragic Death of Dr.Umoh:LUTH Management Debunks 72-Hour Shift

LUTH Management Disputes 72-Hour Shift Allegations
Lagos, Nigeria
The Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Management has firmly refuted the claims surrounding the death of Dr. Michael Umoh, a medical house officer, dismissing the narrative of a grueling 72-hour non-stop shift.
In an official statement released to Eventville, the LUTH Management expressed its condolences to the grieving family of Dr. Umoh and emphasized the need for clarity regarding the circumstances of his passing.
Contrary to social media insinuations, LUTH clarified that records from the Neurosurgery unit revealed that Dr. Umoh’s last on-call duty occurred on September 13th and 14th, 2023. Importantly, he was not on duty on September 15th, 16th, or 17th, the day of his unfortunate demise. The statement detailed that he had been at home with his parents during those days.
The official statement read, “Dr. Umoh passed away on Sunday, September 17th, 2023, while attending church with his parents. The hospital management was promptly notified, and the death was later confirmed by one of the Consultants in the Neurosurgery unit.”
Highlighting Dr. Umoh’s work schedule, the statement continued, “Prior to this, he had been on call on September 7th and 8th, 2023, totaling four days of duty in September.”
LUTH Management took proactive steps to visit the bereaved family on September 20th, 2023, in order to offer condolences and gather further insights into the circumstances surrounding his passing. The family, deeply saddened by the misinformation circulating on social and other media platforms, urged that their privacy be respected, and that the true narrative not be publicly disclosed.
The statement concluded with a tribute to Dr. Umoh: “Dr. Umoh was a diligent and promising young medical professional, deeply respected by his peers. His untimely loss is a great tragedy. May his soul rest in peace, and may his family find the strength to endure this irreplaceable loss.”
The LUTH Management’s statement aims to clarify the situation and bring an end to the false narrative regarding Dr. Umoh’s unfortunate demise.