Global Unity on International Day of Peace 2023

On September 21st each year, the world comes together to mark the International Day of Peace (IDP), a day of reflection and action supported by the United Nations.

This special day calls for a 24-hour commitment to strengthening the values of peace, a mission that has never been more urgent.

Under the theme “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals,” this year’s IDP holds profound, in the face of formidable global challenges. UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed the critical need for peace, emphasizing that “Peace is needed today more than ever.” He highlighted the devastating consequences of war, conflict, poverty, hunger, climate change, inequality, and political divisions plaguing our world.

The year 2023 stands as a pivotal midpoint in the journey to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a roadmap to foster fair, just, and harmonious societies. The success of these goals relies on the active involvement of all, including the 1.2 billion young people living on our planet today. The United Nations calls on individuals to rally for peace, combat inequality, address climate change, and protect human rights.

Adding to the significance of this year’s IDP, we also commemorate the 75th anniversaries of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. IDP 2023 ignites the ambitions of youth, encouraging them to make meaningful contributions to the SDGs and sustainable peace.

The events of the year included the premiere of the “Peace Begins With Me” multimedia poem on September 14, 2023. This powerful collaboration featured Congolese peacekeeper and musician Pacifique Akilimali and Nigerian peace advocate and poet Maryam Bukar Hassan.

Furthermore, September 18-19 were dedicated to reviewing progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs. Member States engaged in discussions to address global crises and offer guidance on transformative actions leading up to 2030. This creative endeavor showcased the global fight for peace, with support from notable figures like Michael Douglas and Nancy Ajram. The celebrations were live streamed, providing a platform for young people to highlight their contributions to achieving the SDGs and nurturing peace.

Embracing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the resounding call is to “ActNow” through the United Nations campaign, inspiring people worldwide to take concrete steps toward a brighter future. The heart of the SDGs lies in unity, as achieving any single goal necessitates achieving them all. Our collective efforts hold the key to a sustainable future.