According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), at least 1,200 Nigerians have  lost their lives attempting to migrate through the Sahara desert and Mediterranean Sea.
This distressing issue was brought to light during the 2023 Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Nationwide Sensitization and Enlightenment Campaign at the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) headquarters in Abuja, which was organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the NIS.
Kemi Nandap, the acting Deputy Comptroller General of the NIS, who oversees the Directorate of Migration, expressed her sorrow over the loss of many Nigerian youths who attempted to seek better opportunities abroad through irregular routes, often referred to as the ‘Japa syndrome.
“We have a big problem in this country and that is the issue of ‘Japa syndrome’. We have so many of our youths who are dying in the Sahara, dying in the Mediterranean Sea. They are dying for no cause,” she said
Nandap urged those considering such journeys to seek necessary information from the migration desk in all NIS state commands.
The acting Comptroller General of the NIS, Wuraola Adepoju, emphasized the importance of educating Nigerians about the dangers of irregular migration and encouraged individuals wishing to relocate abroad to opt for safer and regular routes.
The NIS authorities expressed their commitment to combating migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons through effective education and sensitization.
They aim to prevent further loss of young lives on hazardous trans-Sahara and Mediterranean routes and advocate for safe and orderly migration journeys in pursuit of greener pastures.