The ECOWAS Community Citizens has strongly condemned the recent military takeover in Niger Republic, terming it a setback and a hindrance to development in the West African region.


During a briefing held in Abuja with the theme “Term Limit and the ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance,” the group warned against imposing sanctions that would harm innocent citizens while expressing their disapproval of the coup.


The briefing was attended by prominent figures, including Dr. Ken Ukaoha, President of the National Association of Nigeria Traders; Prof. Jibrin Ibrahim of the Centre for Development and Advocacy; Alioune Tine, Founder of Afrikajom Centre; Isatou Ceesay from HOT The Gambia, and David Dosseh from Tournons La Page, Togo.

The ECOWAS Group acknowledged that coup attempts in the region are often justified by pretexts such as insecurity, corruption, poverty, and socio-political crises. They emphasized that coups are not limited to the military but also include constitutional coups, where democratic leaders extend their tenure, and electoral coups, which involve rigging elections.

In their address, the group pointed out the instances of Togo’s president exercising his 4th term, Cote d’Ivoire’s president in his 3rd term, and the Senegalese president tactically withdrawing after pressure. They suggested that implementing term limits for presidents not exceeding two terms, by reforming the ECOWAS Protocol, could be a potential solution to address coups effectively.

The Group made a solemn appeal for the West African Community to work towards achieving their vision for 2050—a fully integrated community with strong institutions that respect fundamental freedoms and uphold democracy. They called for reforms of the additional protocol before the end of 2023, making the two-term limit an integral provision and a key principle of governance to restore and consolidate democracy in the region.

Reacting to the Niger Republic coup, Dr. Ken Ukaoha expressed shock and stated that such actions would hinder growth, political stability, employment opportunities, and poverty reduction in the region. He called on regional leaders to be cautious with sanctions to ensure that they do not adversely affect innocent citizens.

Prof. Jibrin Ibrahim voiced concerns about the potential escalation of coups to other countries, terming the situation a “democratic regression” and emphasizing the need for citizens and governments in the region to stand united against recurrent coup d’etats.

Alioune Tine urged ECOWAS to implement sanctions intelligently to ensure that they primarily impact the regimes responsible for the wrongdoing rather than burdening the people. He also highlighted the issue of some West African leaders lacking legitimacy due to election rigging and constitutional changes to extend their terms.

In conclusion, Isatou Ceesay condemned the coup and called for immediate action from regional leaders to address the situation in Niger Republic. The ECOWAS Group’s briefing shed light on the seriousness of coup attempts in the region and emphasized the need for comprehensive reforms to safeguard democracy and good governance.