Taraba State Embraces a New Era: Three-Day Induction Retreat Equips Government Officials for Progress and Development

Taraba State is gearing up for a promising future as the Government had organized a transformative Three-Day Induction Course from 24th to 26th July 2023 at the prestigious Nigerian Army Resource Centre in Abuja.

The event was aimed to prepare the newly elected and appointed members of the State’s Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary for the challenges and opportunities that lies ahead.

Under the visionary leadership of the newly elected Governor of Taraba State, Dr. Agbu Kefas, the program was designed to reposition the state, foster capacity building, and devise effective strategies to fulfill the administration’s mandate.

Oby Ezekwesili delivering her speech

The participants actively engaged in enriching activities, including capacity building courses, panel discussions, and interactive sessions led by seasoned Resource Persons and Organizers. The presentations and case study approaches aimed to enable the participants deepen their understanding and practically apply the knowledge gained.

Throughout the Induction Course/Retreat, both the participants and resource persons acknowledged the historic significance of the event, marking a new chapter in the state’s development. The training aligned with Governor Kefas’ 5-Strategic Fingers’ Development Plan, aiming to create a better Taraba State by equipping recipients with the necessary skills to address existing challenges.

Taraba State is blessed with abundant natural resources but faces human development challenges. The state’s leaders pledged to be accessible to the people, fostering an environment where citizens can reach their full potential.

Transparent governance and good decision-making were emphasized, with the welfare of the people remaining paramount. The Governor’s commitment to building on the successes of previous administrations and development trajectories garnered widespread recognition and support.

The training also highlighted the need for leveraging research, science, and technology to bolster service delivery across all sectors. Embracing technological advancements is crucial for attracting investments, fostering economic growth, and improving the overall quality of governance.

While acknowledging past political leadership efforts, the participants recognized that much work remains to harness the state’s vast human and natural resources effectively. To achieve this, the state aims to prioritize citizen needs and promote collaboration among the three arms of government while respecting the principles of separation of powers.

At this critical juncture in Taraba State’s history, participants acknowledged the urgency for multidimensional approaches in overhauling the state’s value system, institutional mechanisms, and governance transformation.

Dr. Agbu Kefas’ 5-Strategic Fingers’ Development Plan received widespread support as a roadmap for sustainable growth and development.

The Induction Course/Retreat had a profound impact, and the participants expressed deep appreciation to Governor Dr. Agbu Kefas for his visionary leadership and commitment to capacity building. They believed that the training significantly enhanced their knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which will, in turn, lead to better decision-making processes and improved public service delivery in Taraba State.

Collectively, the participants emphasized the importance of collective efforts and cooperation to navigate the challenges ahead. By harnessing the potential of the state’s abundant resources and adopting progressive policies, Taraba State is poised to flourish and attract further investments and development opportunities in this new era.