The Republic of Seychelles has enforced travel restrictions on Nigerian tourists due to criminal activities, including drug trafficking and internet fraud, as confirmed by Vice-President Ahmed Afif.

The decision was made after numerous incidents involving Nigerians carrying drugs into the country, and some tourists were found to be involved in organized syndicates.

However, Seychelles will still allow Nigerians with diplomatic passports, resident permits, or valid work permits to enter the country. The Seychelles Electronic Border System (SEBS) will scrutinize other travelers more closely to understand their reasons for visiting, especially if their stay seems suspicious or unusually short.

The ban came in response to widespread concerns about Nigerian nationals’ involvement in drug-related activities and online scams in Seychelles. Some Nigerian tourists have allegedly defrauded local establishments using false credit cards, causing significant financial losses.

It’s worth noting that before this travel ban, Nigerian citizens had previously enjoyed a visa-free agreement with Seychelles, allowing them to stay in the country for up to 30 days without a visa.

The Nigerian community in Seychelles, represented by Mathias Adidi, has also voiced concerns about a syndicate in Nigeria that smuggles drugs into Seychelles, leading to frequent arrests of Nigerians attempting to bring drugs into the country.

It’s essential to emphasize that the ban is not directed at all Nigerians, but rather aimed at preventing criminal activities from affecting Seychelles’ economy and safety. Seychelles recognizes the importance of maintaining positive relations with Nigeria and its people while deterring unlawful behavior within its borders.