Taraba State University Partners Host Community to Promote Student Safety

In an effort to combat criminal activities, drug abuse, cultism, and other vices commonly found in university environments, Taraba State University has entered into a partnership to regulate the behaviour and lifestyle of students with their host community.

In what can be best described as a synergistic endeavour, the host community of Taraba State University expresses its commitment to ensuring a safe environment free from violence for the smooth operation of academic activities.

Leading the delegation to engage with the university management, the District Head of Kofai, Prince Barik Augustine, reaffirmed their dedication to creating a conducive environment for teaching and peaceful coexistence among students.

Providing an overview of their office’s operations since its establishment, the community chief commended the Vice Chancellor of the University for his leadership role in the effective administration of the school. Additionally, he requested that preference be given to the host community in studying marketable courses.

“There has been progressive modalities and reports from all communities since we started this exercise of securing the school communities and there is no doubt it will spread to all areas of the state. We are appealing to you give us preference in regards to our people studying professional courses,” the district head stated.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sunday Bako, expressed his delight regarding the positive report from the host community. He emphasized the significance of community service to the institution, as it allows the community to monitor the activities of their primary hosts, who are primarily students.

“We thought it wise to synergize with you the community to create this liaison office as we are aware that you are the custodians of the community and you know who lives here. 80 percent of the students mostly coming outside the state stay in the community hence the school authority is conscious of their safety and the need for a serene and safe environment cannot be overemphasized,” stressed the Vice Chancellor.

He expressed optimism regarding the positive outcomes this synergy will bring and proposed upgrading the liaison office to a directorate to ensure effective staffing and activities.

“Community services is a major role to the university. The achievement of any organization begins with its impact on the community and this synergy we have with you here is paramount as the community buttress as an envelope to the university,” stated Prof. Bako.

The Vice Chancellor also mentioned that Taraba State University offers 57 programs that require accreditation. He highlighted the importance of course accreditation, as the institution is striving to fulfill the necessary requirements for full licensing of those courses.

While reaffirming the school’s commitment to prioritizing the academic needs of the host community, Prof. Sunday Bako suggests the extension of outreach efforts to communities beyond the immediate vicinity of the university, fostering a robust and synergistic working relationship.