In a remarkable display of commitment to Africa’s future, Bill Gates, the Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, delivered a passionate plea to the Nigerian government and its youth during his recent visit to the country. 
Gates addressed the Pan-African Youth Innovation Forum in Lagos, emphasizing the need for enhanced investment in equitable solutions and the remarkable potential of Nigeria’s talented individuals.
The theme of the forum, “Advancing Africa: Unleashing the Power of Youth in Science and Innovation,” perfectly encapsulated the visionary agenda that Gates brought to the forefront.
Part of what Bill Gates touched on in his talk are explored in details below:
Nigeria’s Health Crisis and the Call for Greater Investment:
Highlighting the challenges faced by Nigeria, Gates expressed concern over the insufficient investment in basic necessities, particularly in the realm of healthcare.
He pointed out the alarming statistic that Nigeria’s state and federal governments spend the equivalent of $10 on health per person each year.
He said, “It may not surprise you that Nigeria’s state and federal governments only spend the equivalent of $10 on health per person each year, compared to $31 in sub-Saharan Africa as a whole. Leaders need to make a much bigger financial commitment, focused most of all on improving primary health systems. Making sure clinics are well-staffed and supplied, making sure children get the vaccines they need—all of this is absolutely essential to improving health and opportunity and unlocking all of Nigeria’s potential.”
He firmly believed that these measures are crucial for unlocking Nigeria’s full potential and fostering health and opportunity.
Gates’ Call to Action and Areas of Focus:
With an unwavering determination, Gates urged Nigeria’s leaders to make a greater financial commitment to primary health systems.
Additionally, he expressed his intention to discuss the pressing need for increased investment in agriculture and digital financial systems with the government. Recognizing the transformative power of agriculture and technology,
 “Nigeria has great land, and there’s no reason that it shouldn’t be a net exporter instead of a net importer. And we see that problem now with the turmoil in Europe with the Ukraine war that’s driven food prices up to the detriment of Africa, rather than that coming out as an opportunity for greater exports and job creation,” Gates said.
Gates believed that these sectors have the potential to revolutionize Nigeria’s economic landscape and uplift its people. By ensuring food security and providing accessible digital financial services, Nigeria can empower its citizens and pave the way for sustainable development.
Empowering the Youth and Holding Leaders Accountable:
Addressing the Nigerian youth directly, Gates acknowledged their passion for progress and their pivotal role in shaping the country’s future. Drawing from his own experiences as a young innovator, Gates shared his profound belief in the ability of the younger generation to overcome challenges and improve lives, not only in Nigeria but also on a global scale.
“Ever since I was a teenager, writing computer code on a terminal at my high school, and later at Microsoft, I have loved the feeling of innovating to make something a little better for people—or a lot better. “I’m sure you know this feeling too. There’s going to be a lot of opportunity for you to continue to make a difference in the world, because of the unprecedented potential of new technologies.”
He called upon the youth to hold their leaders accountable for their commitments, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and collaborative efforts in driving positive change.
Gates offered words of encouragement, assuring them that their innovative spirit would find ample opportunities to make a profound difference in the world, thanks to the unprecedented potential of emerging technologies.
Partnerships and Collaborations for Progress:
Highlighting the Gates Foundation’s long-standing collaboration with Nigerian scientists, Gates showcased ongoing efforts to tackle crucial issues.
The partnership focuses on improving seeds, fertilizers, and biopesticides to equip farmers with the tools needed to adapt to climate change and cultivate toxin-free crops.
Gates also highlighted the inspiring work of a researcher dedicated to reducing anemia in pregnant women. The foundation has been working with Professor Bosede Afolabi, a lecturer at the University of Lagos, to develop a cost-effective solution.
 “In the past, anaemia was treated by daily vitamins, but that simply doesn’t work in modern or severe anaemia. The approach that she [Afolabi] is piloting is using intravenous administration, where just for one time, for about 15 minutes, sometime in the second trimester, you give this infusion, and what we’re seeing are dramatic results.”
 He added that the solution could soon be made available to the entire country.
 These collaborations demonstrate the power of combining expertise and resources to address pressing challenges, fostering a sense of hope for a brighter future.
Education as the Foundation for Success:
Recognizing the pivotal role of education, Gates stressed the need for a strong support system for young people. He commended Nigeria’s strong foundation in terms of educational and research institutions across the continent, emphasizing the importance of building upon this base.
Gates emphasized that young people needed a solid education as the starting point for their journey toward success, highlighting the need for equitable access to quality education.
Furthermore, he underlined the imperative to address disparities in health, education, financial services, and pay gaps, as these inequities hinder the progress of individuals and societies alike.