The three days summit organized by the Taraba state government tagged “Taraba state youth economic and security” have finally been brought to conclusions.

The three days exercise, as observed by Eventville Magazine, was geared towards providing a valuable platform to address pressing issues such as security challenges, infrastructure development and economic growth.


In his opening remarks, the Chairman of the planning committee, Benjamin Bako said the summit is a brainchild of the incumbent state governor, Dr. Agbu Kefas.

Adding that it was designed to create tomorrow’s champions, skillful youths and inspire entrepreneurs.

The dreams of the youths who showed enthusiasm to participate effectively in the summit as it was the first of it kind since the state was created in 1991, was however frustrated by the organizers who debarred several youths access to the venue of the exercise which is located at the Jolly Nyame stadium in Jalingo Metropolis.

The day 1 of the summit was observed to have been marred with disarray as some of the youths who came to attend the programme were denied entrance to the venue.

The exercise which ought to be thrown open to the public, especially the youths, was noticed to have been streamlined to only one hundred and fifty, the situation which many persons frowned at.

A source who spoke with Eventville Magazine, blamed the shortcomings at the organizers whom he believed did that to minimize their resources as each participant was given some form of stipends .

Our source who craved anonymity, said “Some of us just wanted to attend the event and not for anything but to be inspire and experience what the summit is all about and not necessarily for monetary value.”

The poor sound system was also one of the issues that marred the organisation of the programme. Although the summit had in attendance eloquent resource persons that came prepared to deliver their resource materials for the benefit of the summit attendees.

Some of the participants when ask of the feedback maintained they could not hear what the resource persons said attributing it to the poor sound system.

The last day of the summit had it all summed out as journalists were banned at entrance.

” You people are going about writing nonsense about this summit, please leave this place, we don’t want you people here” . One of the boys at the entrance stated.

Those were the words from some of the protocols some journalist encountered while trying to gain entrance to the venue of the summit.

The summit is the first executed programme by the Agbu’s administration and the need for the state boss to choose professional event managers to Strategically plan, execute, and implement his project cannot be over emphasized.