Fuel Subsidy: Nigeria Union of Journalists Joins NLC in Total Shutdown of Economic Activities.

Following the directive of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), to its affiliate unions to mobilise their members and be ready for a total shutdown of economic activities across Nigeria on Wednesday 7 June 2023, should the Federal government fail to reverse the recent fixed fuel pump price by NNPCL, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) has directed its teeming members to prepare to join the action.

This action would be taken if the Federal government fails to reverse the recent fixed fuel pump price by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited NNPCL as demanded by the NLC

NUJ in a statement signed by the National Secretary, Shuaibu Usman Leman, and made available to newsmen in Abuja said the Central Working Committee of the pen- profession union, deliberated on the issues and found NLC’s position and proposed action worthy as it is in the interest of Nigerian citizens.

The Directive in part read; “An emergency Central Working Committee meeting of the Union (NUJ) was convened online on Saturday, June 3, 2023, to discuss issues surrounding the decision by the Federal Government to remove Fuel Subsidy and the position taken by the Nigeria Labour Congress.

After presentations by the National President, Chris Isiguzo, and the National Treasurer, Bamidele Atunbi on the position taken by NLC on the matter, members unanimously adopted the position of NLC on the issue”.

The union maintains that though the removal of fuel subsidy could free allocations for the development of infrastructure and create more jobs sudden removal of the subsidy could lead to social unrest and protests as people may perceive Government as being insensitive to their plight.

The NUJ reiterates the argument that there has been an already astronomical increase in the prices of petroleum products and high inflation which have reduced the purchasing power of citizens drastically.

Accordingly CWC directs all State councils of the union to mobilise members to withdraw their services and commence protests nationwide from Wednesday 7th June 2023, if the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limiter (NNCPL) refuses to reverse the new price regime in the Oil sector.”

The removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria has sparked diverse reactions, reflecting the complex and far-reaching impact of this decision. While it aims to address economic inefficiencies and redirect resources, concerns have been raised about its potential disproportionate impact on the poor and vulnerable segment of the society, thereby leading to increased poverty, inequality and social unrest .